Nayanthara is an Indian film actress from Kerala, who appears in South Indian films. She made her acting debut in the 2003 Malayalam film Manassinakkare before acting in Tamil and Telugu cinema.
Nayanthara's birth name is Diana Mariam Kurian. She was born on 18th November 1984 in Bengaluru. Nayantara was born and brought up as a Syrian Christian but she got converted into Hindhuism in 2011 and changed her name to Nayanthara officially.
Nayanthara was nominated and received many awards like "Best New Face of the Year", "Best Actress", "Favourite Heroine", "Best Tamil Actress", "Best Telugu Actress", "Best Kannada Actress", "Best Acting Performance". She got also listed as "List of 15 Most Desirable Women in 2014" in Kochi Times. Nayanthara also acted in various ad films for various vendors.